Artist CV

Erin Hayde, MFA, MA


5/2024    MFA Fine Arts, School of Visual Arts (SVA)

5/2017    MA Economics, The New School for Social Research
                 Thesis: “The Dynamics of Negative Carbon Emissions: The Case of Forestry”

12/2012   BA Economics & BA Political Science, University of Utah


2022-24    Tuition Scholarship, School of Visual Arts (SVA)

2017            Legacy Award, The New School 

2015-17      Tuition Scholarship, New School for Social Research



07/2024    Non-Sovereign Poetics
                    SVA Chelsea Gallery, New York City

07/2024    UNSAVORY
                    Muckenthaler Cultural Center, Fullerton California

10/2023    Expanding the Panoptic
                    Latchkey Gallery, New York City 

01/2023    Sympoietic Encounters: Making with in the Sixth Great Extinction
                    SVA Gramercy Gallery, New York City

Economist CV

Erin Hayde, M.A.

Objective: Translating quantitative research into effective and sustainable policy


2022     Consultant
Project: “Agricultural Support Policies in Indonesia”
German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ) & United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
Supervisors: Christina Poser, David Rouhani & Claire Potdevin          
Prepared report on existing agricultural support policies in Indonesia (including environmental, social, health, and economic impacts of each policy instrument), existing initiatives related to Nature-Based Solutions, and recommendations for fiscal policy reforms.

2021-2022    Consultant (STC)

Project: EFI CET
World Bank Group, Climate Economics Team; Washington, D.C., USA
Supervisor: Dr. Dirk Heine & Dr. Somik Lall
Drafted list of Prior Actions for LAC on land use fiscal policy reforms with climate co-benefits; drafted presentations to SDI and WBG leadership on EFI strategy and direction on climate.

Project: “Supporting FPSG and MTI Climate Strategy & Reporting”
World Bank Group, MTI GP, FPSG Unit; Washington, D.C., USA
Supervisor: Dr. Miria Pigato
Prepared the EFI contribution to the “Green Recovery” Board Paper; redrafted the EFI Climate Strategy; prepared Concept Note for the Climate Change Policy Assessment Code; prepared a Technical Note on transportation sector taxes; and edited “Fiscal Policies for a Sustainable Recovery.”

2020-2021     Consultant (STC)
Project: “Fiscal Policies for a Low-Carbon Economy”
World Bank Group, MTI GP; Washington, D.C., USA
Supervisor: Dr. Miria Pigato
Analyzed current state of carbon taxes and the potential benefits of their combined use with green bonds, including literature and case study review; responsibility for editing initial report and subsequent versions.

2020    Consultant (STC)
Project: “Fiscal Policy & Land Use in Mexico”
World Bank Group, MTI GP, EMFMD; Washington, D.C., USA
Supervisor: Dr. Dirk Heine
Developed policy proposals for ecological fiscal transfers and environmental commodity taxes in Mexico, based on a  review of existing policy and prior proposals.

2019-2020   Consultant (STC)
Project: “Cote d’Ivoire PMR CPLC Program”
World Bank Group, MTI GP; Washington, D.C., USA
Supervisor: Dr. Dirk Heine
Developed proposals on ecological fiscal transfers and environmental commodity taxes in Cote d’Ivoire, based on a review of existing political economy.

2018-2020   Consultant (STC)
Project: “Designing Fiscal Instruments for Sustainable Forests”
World Bank Group, ENR GP; Washington, D.C., USA
Supervisor: Dr. Dirk Heine & Dr. Garo Batmanian
Examined environmental fiscal policy in the land use sector to design effective fiscal instruments for sustainable forest   management that minimize private incentives for deforestation while promoting investment. Assessed taxation, expenditure, and information instrument (e.g., certification) policies to design a complementary climate policy system which can be adapted to country-specific contexts. Analyzed timber, agriculture, extractive industries and other land use change drivers along the commodity supply chain to determine where current fiscal incentives distort sustainable land use practices and suggestion of potential reforms, constrained by governance capabilities of individual states.

2019    Consultant (STC)
Project: “Carbon Taxes: A Guide for Policymakers”
World Bank Group, Partnership for Market Readiness
Supervisor: Dr. Dirk Heine; Washington, D.C., USA
Revised and created new content (including lesson plans, PowerPoint slides and talking points) for a 3-day international technical training on carbon taxation for World Bank staff and policymakers.

2018    Consultant (STC)

Project: “Compilation of Fiscal Policy Instruments to Support Implementation of Indonesia’s Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) 2020-2030”
World Bank Group, East Asia and Pacific 2; Washington, D.C., USA
Supervisor: Dr. Derek Hung Chiat Chen
First and second review of initial draft compendium of appropriate fiscal policies to reduce emissions from land use.

2017    Research Assistant
Project: “The Dynamics of Negative Carbon Emissions: The Case of Forestry”
Tishman Environment and Design Center (TEDC); New York, NY, USA
Supervisor: Dr. Willi Semmler
Used MATLAB Nonlinear Modeling Predictive Control (NMPC) package to examine an optimal choice model within a dynamic system, with an extension including a fiscal policy mechanism in the form of a tax on timber production.

2016-2017    Visiting Scholar
Global Bioethics Initiative; New York, NY, USA
Supervisor: Dr. Ana Lita
Advancing the understanding of various issues by conducting research on social policy issues in the field, writing article summaries to be published on GBI media platforms, and administrative tasks including website management.

2013-2015    Peace Corps Volunteer
Education Development; Sabana Grande, Los Santos, Panamá
Supervisor: Joel Alvarez
Facilitated a local reforestation project, managed a Peace Corps Partnership Program Grant, and directed the creation of a recycling program at the local elementary school.

2011    Intern
Utah Office of Energy Development; Salt Lake City, UT, USA
Supervisor: Samantha Julian
Research of alternative and renewable utility-scale energy projects in the state, and compilation and management of databases of other relevant and necessary information for the office.

2011    Environmental Intern
Utah Office to the Governor; Salt Lake City, UT, USA
Supervisor: Ted Wilson 
Assisted the Governor’s Senior Advisor on Environmental Matters; coordinated the ‘Clear the Air Express’ event, screened youth outdoor recreation programs to receive federal funding, and attended meetings between local and state government stakeholders.


2024    MFA, Fine Art
              School of Visual Arts; New York, NY, USA
              Thesis: Corpor(e)al Punishment: The Guilty Party
              Supervisors: Jennifer Wen Ma, Miguel Luciano    

2017    MA, Economics
             New School for Social Research; New York, NY, USA
             Thesis: The Dynamics of Negative Carbon Emissions: The Case of Forestry”
             Supervisor: Dr. Willi Semmler

2012    BA (Cum Laude), Economics, Minor, Anthropology
               BA (Cum Laude), Political Science
             University of Utah; Salt Lake City, UT, USA

Relevant Papers
- Designing Fiscal Instruments for Sustainable Forests
- Green fiscal policy and development: Reconciling climate and structural change
- Fiscal Policies for a Low-Carbon Economy
- Financing Low-Carbon Transitions through Carbon Pricing and Green Bonds
- The Dynamics of Negative Carbon Emissions: The Case of Forestry
- City Typology and Risk Characterization Matrix: City Hotspot Assessment, The City and County of Denver, Colorado
- Republican congress continues 40-year assault on public lands (The Wrench Report; published: February 17, 2017)
- The Building Sector & Climate Change: Actively Wasteful to Efficiently Passive
- Sustainable Management of the Commons: Market-Based Policy, State Regulation, and Community Ownership
- A Review and Critique of the World Bank ‘Regulation of Labor’ Paper
Climate Change Economics (Willi Semmler); Economic Development (Sanjay Reddy); The World Economy (Robert Brenner); Climate Change and Cities (Michael Flaherty); Econometrics (Willi Semmler); Environmental Economics and Policy; Thesis: Optimal Choice Model with Fiscal Policy Mechanism (Willi Semmler)

Key Skills                    
Proficient in Spanish language
Proficient in: WordPress, Microsoft Office Suite, Adobe Creative Cloud Suite
Working knowledge of: MATLAB, R, EViews, LaTeX, Lyx


2022-24    Tuition Scholarship – School of Visual Art
Legacy Award – The New School
  2015-17    Tuition Scholarship – New School for Social Research